Today I’m talking with Barb Roose, author of Winning the Worry Battle: Life Lessons from the Book of Joshua, and oh my gosh you guys, about 20 seconds into talking to her we discover that we went to the same high school what the heck. Go Medina BEES! Barb shares the most epic wardrobe malfunction story that’s sure to give you a nice laughter-induced ab workout for the day, and she gives us a fantastic tip for lightening up. We chat about how to get control of our worry, how the book of Joshua can help us with our helicopter parenting, how to keep our kids’ worries from stressing us out, and she gives us practical tools for dealing with worry. Um, also? Last week Bronwyn told about the time she accidentally bought a minivan on eBay and this week Barb admits she bought a house without telling her husband. What is going on with the crazy purchases? Next week someone’s going to tell me they bought a horse or a theme park or something. Does worry have you tied up in knots? Listen in and lighten up!
Quote from the show:
“The difference between worry and worship is Who you’re talking to.”
Links from the show:
- Buy Winning the Worry Battle: Life Lessons from the Book of Joshua
- Check out her website
- Find Barb on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
- Where Hope Begins
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