Author of “Surprised by Motherhood: Everything I Never Expected About Being a Mom” and community manager for
“No one can make us quite as unsure about ourselves as another woman. And nothing can wound as much as the words that sometimes come from a friend. That’s why you need this book. Because if you’ve been burned by women and friendship you need the reminder that it’s worth it. Friendship is like oxygen for the soul and this is the handbook on how to overcome awkward and fall in love with friendship all over again.”
Author of “Parenting the Wholehearted Child”
“Women are Scary is laugh-out-loud funny. But it’s so much more than that. It’s an honest exploration of the one thing so many moms fear—one another. And it’s an invitation to know and be known in this thing we call motherhood. Melanie is the real deal. Her humor, courage, and candor will inspire moms to “spur one another on” because, as Melanie writes, we aren’t “just moms” we are world changers, and we are better, so much better, when we are with and for each other.”
Author of “A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet” and blogger at
“So the thing about Melanie Dale is that she is really, genuinely funny. I didn’t just smile when I read Women Are Scary: The Totally Awkward Adventure of Finding Mom Friends — I giggled. Chortled. Guffawed, even. But the other thing about Melanie Dale — and this is the part that gives her book so much substance – is that she is really, genuinely insightful. And while I wish this book had been around about ten years ago when I was in the throes of wondering why it sometimes seemed so difficult to connect with other mamas, I’m so grateful that Melanie’s book is right here, right now. It’s a fresh reminder that we’re not meant to walk through motherhood alone, and it made me more grateful than ever for my mama friends who were strangers to me a decade ago — but have long since taken up residence in the deepest part of my heart. I’m so thankful for Melanie’s humor, vulnerability, and honesty; women are going to be so encouraged by her words!”
Blogger at and and author of “Mindset for Moms”
“In Women Are Scary, Melanie dares to put candid words to the thoughts we’ve all secretly had about the ups and downs of motherhood. With both snort-out-loud humor and refreshing honesty, she encourages us to speak the truth as well—to ourselves and to each other as we develop new momlationships.”