I feel like America’s mom is sending it out the door today calling after it, “Make good choices!”
Make good choices, America.
What a gift that we get to choose things around here. It isn’t perfect, but it’s ours. Election time is stressful and if you’re like me and have friends with a wide range of opinions, and are in fact opinionated yourself, it can be awkward to navigate.
But I love having people in my world with different opinions than mine, because it makes life interesting! So, how do we get through election stuff and keep our friends? We don’t have to agree about everything, but we can be good listeners and learners of one another. Here are 10 questions to ask when talking about the election with friends:
1. What do you like about that candidate?
2. What led you to that decision?
3. What issues are the most important to you?
4. Wow that’s so awesome. Will you tell me more about____?
5. I see what you’re saying. Can you help me understand____?
6. Have your opinions changed over time or have they been pretty consistent?
7. Who’s had the most influence in your life to help shape your views?
8. What’s one thing you truly like about a candidate you’re not voting for?
9. What’s one thing you wish you could change about the candidate you’re supporting?
10. If they asked you, what advice would you have for our leaders?
When we get humble, stay kind, and listen well, we can enjoy friendships from across the broad spectrum of political thought. And if we want our politicians to play well with others and get stuff done, then we’d better show them how to do it.
Speaking of the importance of listening to one another and having loving conversations, remember the amazing one I had a few months ago, A Christian and a Muslim Get on a Plane, sparked by my friend Logan Wolfram’s book, Curious Faith? Her book launches today and you can get it here!
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