Three years ago on the way home from Allume Conference, I got a tweet from someone named Ashlee Gadd. I tweeted back, and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that literally spans the continent.
I’m in Georgia, she’s in California, and the only time we’ve ever met in person was in Guatemala with Children’s HopeChest last year. But when she told me about a new kind of space that she was creating for mothers, I was in. Ashlee envisioned a place on the internet where moms could read stories of parenting over reheated coffee at a table covered in crumbs. Through hard work, creativity, and great leadership, she brought Coffee+Crumbs to fruition. We offer no advice or opinions, just ourselves and our own experiences. Ashlee’s cultivated a kind and accepting community in the midst of an internet so often filled with harsh judgment. And I’m crazy proud to write alongside some of the best and bravest bloggers I’ve ever read.
Now for some big news. We have a book coming out with Zondervan on April 4, filled with beautiful photography and essays from our own parenting journeys. The Magic of Motherhood is the perfect gift for a new mom or your own self. Over and over through it’s pages, we remind each other, “You are not alone.”
*cue the confetti*
Things to know about the book launch:
- See and share our new book trailer, which features all of us writers with our kids!
- You can preorder the book here! Pre-orderers get a whole list of cool freebies.
- If you live near Sacramento, CA, join us at the launch party on April 2! It’s the first time the entire Coffee+Crumbs team will be together and we tired mamas are leaving the kids at home and getting our groove on. Get more info and tickets here.
- You guys, TARGET is carrying our book. AHH! One way you can really support this book is to go to your local Target the week of April 4 and buy a copy. This will let Target know to keep stocking it. So while you’re on your weekly Target run, stick a copy or two in your cart on your way to buy diapers or Easter candy.
Thank you, thank you to everyone who’s read, shared, or commented on our Coffee+Crumbs writing over the years, to all my fellow moms in the trenches with their babies, whether they’re nursing, driving, or anything in between. This book is our love letter to you.
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