You know when your worlds blend? Like when your friend from school and your friend from work meet each other and hit it off and it makes you so happy? Today is so exciting for me because the blog I’m so honored to write for, Coffee + Crumbs, and Children’s HopeChest, which has changed my life completely, are kicking off a new partnership!
Last night I was like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for this morning’s Coffee + Crumbs post to slide down our proverbial chimneys. We’re introducing our new Mother to Mother: A Coffee + Crumbs Care Collective, featuring Children’s HopeChest’s Puerta de Esperanza CarePoint in Guatemala! I could not be more excited to share with you how this came about and what we get to do together.
To read more about it and learn about how you can help, CLICKETY CLICK RIGHT HERE.
photo from Ashlee Gadd, my fantabulous editor at Coffee+Crumbs