On this episode of Lighten Up, I talk with Steen Jones, new author and founder of COLORS scarves, about her debut novel, The Door Keeper, our awesome kids with autism, spending the night in a treehouse, and reasons women were committed to mental institutions in the ninetheenth century that will melt your brain. Also, doing the sniff test on clothes and the pros and cons of nose rings. World-changing stuff.
Follow Steen on Twitter @steenjones and Instagram @thedoorkeepertrilogy.
Links to things we talk about
Video about “high/low-functioning” terms for autism
Books that have inspired Steen
Love Does by Bob Goff
Blue Like Jazz and all Donald Miller’s books
Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
Somebody posted this on Facebook
Reasons women were admitted to a mental institution between the years 1864 to 1889:
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