I love this time of year. While all the guys are growing out their mustaches for Movember, I spend the month turning my blog into a fair trade shopping mall for all of you. This is our third annual Slave-Free Christmas, and it’s going to be better than ever. I’ve spent the last month asking some of my favorite fair trade companies and organizations for coupon codes and giveaways to make your shopping experience as fun and easy as possible.
I call this our Slave-Free Christmas Challenge, because a few years ago I started learning about where some of the goods we purchase come from, the terrible working conditions of the laborers, and even child labor, and I realized I didn’t want to celebrate the birth of my Savior by purchasing items that were actually hurting and enslaving people. I started reading and learning and decided that while I can’t go set people free, I can point my dollars toward companies and organizations that are making a huge difference in the lives of others. You guys, I’ve had the best time getting to know people who work with artisans around the world making gorgeous gifts. And my people laugh, because every time they open a present from me, I have to tell them the story behind it and who made it and how that person has a great life and is keeping her kids in school.
Now. Some of you may be wondering why the heck I’m talking about Christmas in November. I promise I’m not glossing over one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving. In fact, last year, I sprinkled in several Thanks-GIVE-ing giveaways to celebrate this season of thankfulness, and I’ll keep that tradition alive. I love Thanksgiving and the family and food and time of feasting and gratitude-iness.
There are two reasons I start talking about Christmas shopping this early. Notice I say Christmas shopping, not Christmas celebrating. Thanksgiving first. But Christmas shopping.
1. I want to give you ample time to shop online without having to spring for rushed shipping. I’ll spend the month lining up these wonderful options for you to peruse, like your own personal online Christmas market, and you can take your time, make decisions, use your coupon codes, and relax.
2. My Christmas shopping practice has always been to finish up by Thanksgiving, so that I can enjoy the full holiday season with my family and not with strangers at the mall or buried in the shopping cart on my computer. I want to offer that to you as well, but many of the coupon codes will be available through Christmas, so if you like waiting till the bitter end, by all means do what you like.
So, starting Wednesday, I’m rolling out company after company that’s doing good while making awesome products. Consider me your personal shopper for a Slave-Free Christmas! If you’ve been hearing about modern day slavery and wondering what the heck regular people like us can do to help, check out this top ten list. We can make a difference in the world together.
And also, Happy Thanks-GIVE-ing month. So much thanks, so much giving.
I’m grateful for all of you.