I’m writing a book about Dating for Moms. Insert terrified scream. Apparently, a book is a lot longer than a blog post.
There will be bases. There will be overly-intense eye contact. There will be full frontal hugging. This book will be equal parts encouragement, guidance, and coffee spraying out your nose.
My favorite thing about dating for moms are the relationships, the stories, the hilarity and power of women becoming and staying friends. I can write all day about the incredible moms in my life, but this book isn’t complete without you, your voices, your stories.
I’m collecting stories from all four of the bases, from your mild acquaintances to your lifelong I’d-die-for-you-and-hold-your-hand-while-your-baby-is-crowning friends. I want to showcase the full gamut of momlationships, our journeys to our people.
And breakups. I’ve read through every breakup story in the comment section of the breakups post several times. Let’s put some of them in the book. They’re real and honest and heart-breaking and a part of us.
Make us laugh. Make us cry.
I can’t wait.
If you have a story to share for the book, email it to datingformoms(at)unexpected(dot)org.
If your story is chosen, you’ll receive a free copy of the ebook and one coupon for a full frontal hug from me.
Include your name and city and state/province/country.
The deadline is October 18.
image from salvageandco at etsy.com