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Dating for Moms – Tip #1

You’re waiting for your daughter at ballet and spy a potential friend.  If you aren’t sure how to start up a conversation with another mom, try staring at her from across the room.  Moms need eyeballs on them at all times.  How many times have you gone to the bathroom with one child sitting on your lap staring you down and another one wiggling fingers under the door?  Here’s a pic of me while I’m trying to write this post:

When my daughter feels like my full attention is waning, she likes to lick me in the face and go eyeball to eyeball.  We moms love this intrusion and welcome it.

So you see your next friend.  Make some eye contact and hold it.  Let her know you care.  If she doesn’t notice your eyes, try the following pick-up line:

Mommy.  Mommy.  Mommy.  Mommy.  


That should get her attention.

Dating Tips for Moms, equipping mothers to get out there and nail those momlationships.
For a full run-down of the Dating for Moms bases, click here.


images from and my shaky-handed iPhone